What is the ‘Journey of Healing’?

The "Journey of Healing: From Lamentation to Praise" is a joint prayer campaign of the United Methodist Conferences of Eastern PA and Greater NJ led by Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi to guide us through a process of spiritual and communal healing.

Together, we will name our woundedness, pray for healing, and ultimately, celebrate God’s restoration and grace.

Why Join the Journey?

Our wounds are real, but so is God’s power to heal. This journey is an opportunity to come together as a faith community, lifting our concerns to God and walking together toward reconciliation and praise.

Invitation from the Bishop

Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania &
Greater New Jersey

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise." 
Jeremiah 17:14 NRSVue

Dear United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey,

I greet you in the name and with the love of Jesus who is the Christ.

When I first arrived in EPA&GNJ, I quickly became aware of the deep wounds present among us. These wounds have come from many sources: the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; sociopolitical struggles; racial, economic, and systemic injustices; pains arising through division and conflict at every level of our denomination—from the general church all the down to the conference and the local church; and other forms of harm that have caused pain and division. As people of faith, we acknowledge these wounds, but we do not face them alone.

Today, I am excited to invite you into A Journey of Healing: From Lamentation to Praise—a conference-wide campaign designed to walk with one another, through God’s grace, toward healing and ultimately, PRAISE! This journey will unfold over the coming months, culminating in opportunities to praise and celebrate the work of God in our lives during District Conferences and our Annual Conference in May.

Here is our timeline for this journey:

  1. January: Naming the Woundedness

  2. February: Praying Over the Wounds

  3. March: Cleansing the Wounds (Lenten Gatherings with Communion & Healing Services)

  4. April: Protecting the Wound (Prayer Litanies on the Website & Prayer Opportunities)

  5. May: Praise! (District Conference & Annual Conference Praise Opportunities)

Launching the Journey in January: Naming the Woundedness

Our journey begins in January with a safe and sacred opportunity for individuals across the conference to name their needs for healing. During this month, all members of the EPA and GNJ Annual Conferences are invited to share prayer requests through a Google form. You can choose to share your name or to remain anonymous. These requests may reflect past, present, or future healing needs and may encompass concerns for our Annual Conferences, congregations, families, and communities. No prayer is too big or too small for our God.

In February, a dedicated team of prayer warriors—including myself, the Cabinet, and laity and clergy from across our Annual Conferences—will receive these prayer requests. Each request will be lifted individually in prayer, trusting in God’s power to bring healing and restoration.

Lenten Gatherings with Communion & Healing Services

In March, we will hold Lenten Communion and Healing Services to focus on cleansing the wounds within us and our communities. I encourage you to participate in one of these sacred gatherings.

Please look out for further updates regarding these locations.

Reconciliation Resources

I have heard from some of you the desire for resources that foster reconciliation. In response, we will also provide tools and guidance for those open to engaging in processes of reconciliation. These resources will be available on our conference website by April and will include prayer litanies and steps for dialogue, healing conversations, and rebuilding relationships in our churches and communities.

I encourage you to begin this year by participating in this sacred opportunity for healing. Together, as we name our woundedness, pray over it, and allow God to work within us, we will move closer to the day when we can raise our voices in PRAISE.

Grace and peace to you,

Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey